European University of Bangladesh (EUB)
EuropeAid ID number | N/A |
Full legal name | European University of Bangladesh (EUB) |
Where the European Commission is the Contracting Authority: All Partners must encode this information under their PADOR registration. It is not necessary to complete this in the paper version. See also Section 2.2 of the guidelines for applicants. | |
Date of Registration | 14 March, 2012 |
Place of Registration | Dhaka |
Legal status | Private University |
Official address of Registration | Plot # 211-212, Road # 3, Janata Housing, Shah Ali Bag, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh |
Country of Registration Nationality | Bangladesh |
Contact person | Dr. Mokbul Ahmed Khan |
Telephone number: country code + city code + number | 0088-02-8054617, 0088-01713006814 |
Fax number: country code + city code + number | 0088-02-8054617 |
E-mail address |, |
Number of employees | 100 (one hundred) |
Other relevant resources | Own campus comprising 34000 square feet + rented space 6000 square feet. |
Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action | Six faculty members of the University have experience of carrying out more than 10 such studies/assignments with other donors. |
History of cooperation with the applicant | The University cooperated the BGAPMEA in preparing and presenting similar paper on several occasions. |
Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action | Contributed to prepare the concept note and grant proposal as and when required. |
Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action | Will be responsible to implement the activities according to the action plan. |